Medellin Women Medellin Women Medellin Colombia Singles Tour

Watch this 30 minute video with AFA President John Adams and AFA Medellin office manager Lorena to learn about the women of Medellin, the city and ALL THE REASONS YOU NEED TO SIGN UP TODAY for our next tour to Medellin!

Meet beautiful Medellin ladies on our 7 day / 6 night Colombian tour. Your tour will include two fabulous parties with 50 to 100 gorgeous Medellin women. The women of Medellin are considered to be the most beautiful in ALL of Latin America. With only 10 to 15 men on average, you will have more than a 7:1 ratio, and that is just the first night. Then, we do it again the next night with all new ladies. All ladies are members of our service and are interviewed prior to attending. Besides our social events, we also do unlimited personal introductions during your entire stay. Many of our clients will date two or three women a day and some will even date five a day. Our staff is well experienced and will make your stay the best it can be. This is why we have over 80% success rate on our Latin tours.

Medellin Singles Tour Medellin at night


  • Two fully catered, specific invitation, large Socials
  • Hotel accommodations in Medellin Colombia
  • Unlimited Personal Introductions
  • Complimentary interpreters provided at all Socials
  • Airport Pickup
  • Breakfast daily
  • One hotel area and city orientation tour
  • 24 hour hospitality and guidance from our AFA staff
  • In-house complimentary interpreting services located in the AFA office
  • 1 month Platinum Membership ($95.00 value)

What Our Clients Say


I wanted to thank you for what you do.

I went on your Cartagena tour last year and even though I did not find that special someone I had such a fantastic time I decided to give it another chance and go to Medellin. I could not be happier that I did. I did not think it could have been possible that Medellin could have been better then Cartagena and was blown away. Your staff Lorena and her team was fantastic. My translator Soraya was amazing. The only criticism that I have, is that at the social there were too many women and not enough time to meet them all.

The city and the country was unbelievable and the women very approachable and friendly. The location was excellent, Even though I chose to visit some of the neighboring cities and towns everything we needed was within walking distance from the hotel . Although your company solved one problem in my life you ended up giving me another. I did not meet one fantastic woman I met two. I am currently trying to decide which one I want to see again and am making plans to go back in December. Something tells me you may have another picture on your wall of success stories in the near future. As a typical New Yorker it takes a lot to humble me. Your trip to the orphanage did just that. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had and something I will remember forever. I was so touched by the situation that I went back after the tour was over to have a private conversion with " Mama Lou" and found her to be a true angel on earth. Any woman that can care for 164 kids the way she does and the love that those kids showed us when we were there proved to me that this is an organization worth supporting and I commend your research on finding them.

So John, Keep up the great job. I cannot give enough credit to you and your organization for what you do. If things work out I will be sure to send you an invitation to the wedding.


Jim B.


I just wanted to say a big "thank you" for everything you have done for Diana and me. We had a wonderful weekend! A special thank you to Vivian for her outstanding translation services. She was an extremely nice, professional and friendly woman and reflects very well on your agency. I would recommend her to anyone who needs an excellent translator.

Many, many, many thanks. Diana is a wonderful, amazing woman and we are very much in love. And we never would have met without your agency.

Greg S

Dear John,

I want to tell you what an excellent job Sandra Roldan and Juan Fernando of your Medellin office did for me. I first met Juan as soon as I arrived at the hotel during your Medellin tour at the end of August. Immediately Juan wanted to know what he could do to help me. I met Nora during that tour and Nora and I will be getting married in a few weeks. During the long difficult K-1 VISA process, Sandra in Medellin spent many hours helping Nora and I fill out paper work. Before Nora went for her interview in Bogota, Sandra spent her Saturday reviewing everything that would be needed for the interview. I just wanted you to know what a great employee she is for you and the countless hours she spends helping your clients. Juan also was ever present and ready to assist. He spent many hours giving Nora English lessons and her English has improved greatly over the last 6 months. Please feel free to use me as a reference for your organization.

Mitchell C. S., M.D.

The social was great.

Definitely the best of all I have been to. I really like the idea of there being the same number of tables as guy. Each guy takes a table and about every 15 minutes Sandra rings a bell and the guys move to another table. Helps all the girls get a little time with all the guys and helps guys like me who struggles approaching women even in this type of situation get around to all the girls. The girls far exceed the profiles. These woman are definitely more attractive in person. . This may work out after all. Catch you later.

Terry B,

Thank you so much for recommending Medellin. It was great! I want to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season. I hope to meet you one day. Anyway, I am going to plan another AFA Tour of Medellin after the holidays.

You folks are a top notched outfit.

Thomas A., Investigator

I would describe the socials as the ultimate speed dating experience. I met so many women I did not know what to do. After two nights, I had 14 ladies that agreed to meet me. I just did not have the time over the next 5 days to see them all. My only complaint was the tour needed to be much longer, so I could get to know all the ladies I was interested in.


Just a few words to say hello.

I am still in Medellin, this is my last day here. I have two things to describe this experience.

You really cannot overstate how wonderful this city is. The ladies are every bit as beautiful, sincere, warm, and sweet as you've told us, and MORE!

Originally, I had thought I would just try this tour for a vacation and to check out if everything I heard about AFA and Medellin was true, I was amazed, actually, as how AFA understated how wonderful this this beautiful city is.

There many interesting stories of Success in terms of finding someone special that came from this tour, but, MAN!, the real story is how wonderful this town is and the people here in Medellin. this is true, not only from the woman we met from AFA, but all the women here are some of the sweetest, warmest of any place in the world. this has got to be the worlds "Best Kept Secret"...

I could go on for days about all the cool things we experienced on this trip, but, for one, I am certain you will receive many other letters from the other men, and second, I just don't think I could adequately express my real feelings about this city...

For me, the overweight, unconfident, pessimist, guy I met one of the sweetest ladies and she is beautiful; her name is Diana I've attached her photo We really have been tied at the hip since the first day The funny thing is, at the social, I never made it to her table, it just ran late and there were so many wonderful interesting woman to talk to. I had already met a pretty cool girl, but she had to leave early, however, as I was leaving the social, everyone was walking out of the restaurant where the social was held and discussing where we were all going to go next for dancing; this is when Diana approached and, jokingly, gave me a hard time about not coming over to her table. We ended up at the disco together, and danced the entire time, then, we went out after that for some conversation and have been tied at the hip since then.

Some of the others, did great too. One of the coolest stories is about the Tour Client who met a woman from the hotel.. I must tell you, she is beautiful, and really a neat lady, they hit it off pretty well. I am not sure how that well progress, She is so typical of the women here all over this city. one of the funny things about that story was, that I ended up being the translator for them at one of their dates.

I can not forget to mention how wonderful the staff at Medellin is Sandra, Mui Especial, she is the hardest worker, and absolutely sweet, wonderful and took care of everything including taking me on a personal shopping trip to the mall to buy gifts for Diana. But there where many more people on the staff here. Milena, Adrianna, Rownal, as well as the interpreters Rowan, and Diana, and the others, man, this has got to be the best group, that AFA has anyplace.. the service was just without a doubt, better than anyone can imagine everywhere we went, AFA, the Hotels, the restaurants, we found 8 Star service.

Thanks, John, Bud, Steve, Peter, Sandra, and everyone for the great experience..

If there is anything I can do to help other guys needing encouragement or whatever, please let me know because regardless of how this relationship ends up, I know that AFA has their act together and I would love to encourage anyone needing the experience of a lifetime, to come here, it is the neatest place.


To everyone at AFA,

Bible scholars and Archeologists stop searching I have found the Garden of Eden, Medellin Columbia. The women are beautiful, the people are friendly, the weather perfect and the food is great. Oh yes, no insects, none. What more could anyone ask for. I was on the July 24 to 30 trip with AFA and I will definitely return to Medellin, very soon. I have never received better service. Of all the trips I have taken, I cannot think of one better. Thumbs up to Sandra the office manager, her assistant Juan and all the translators, especially Myriam. They give 110% to make sure your trip is as close to perfect as possible. If these guys can't make you happy then Jesus Christ couldn't make you happy. They are the best people you will meet anywhere.

The women are everything you have heard and more. They are not looking for a ticket to the U.S. or where ever you are from. They love their country, I love their country. They are looking for love first and foremost and everything else comes second.

I had so many people try to talk me out of going on this trip, the reasons ranged from its Cartel Central to its got to be a scam. Am I glad I didn't listen to family and friends. I have been to several South American cities buying antiques and never have I been in a place more safe than Medellin. So guys, get off the couch, stop wasting time dating in America where your wallet is the first consideration and take the next trip to Medellin. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Billy Lea
Pinehurst, North Carolina

Hello Peter,

It's Kevin Mack from Philadelphia. I don't know how to begin to describe the great time I had in Medellin. What a beautiful, safe & friendly city. I felt comfortable from the moment I got there & was greeted by my English speaking driver Jairo. What a great guy he is. The staff at the Hotel Casa Victoria was outstanding and went out of their way to make me feel welcome & comfortable. I wont forget the pretty young girls making the omelets at breakfast. It's hard to find the right superlative to describe the job Sandra does running the Medellin office. She is very professional and goes out of her way to be helpful. Juan is a great assistant and excellent translator. Monica worked as my translator during the whole trip and was awesome. I hope to keep building a relationship with 1 young lady I'm in love with. If it doesn't work out there are several others that I met & have their email addresses. I hope to return to Medellin around December for a follow up visit. I hope you enjoy your trip at the end of the month & please use my testimonial for all of the fools using eharmony &

Thanks for everything,
Kevin Mack


Medellin Singles Tour

Medellin, the capital of the Colombian state of Antioquia and Colombia's second largest city, is said to be one of the most beautiful cities in South America. There is plenty to do and see in the city itself and the scenic surroundings. The home of parks, palms, orchids, and tropical birds, the city lies cradled in the scenic Aburrrá valley, which is bisected by the Medellin River.

The pleasant spring-like climate year round makes Medellin known as "La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera" or "City of the Eternal Spring". Medellin is also the city where the famous flower parade - Feria de las Flores is held every August. The event has been celebrated every year since 1957. Music, dances and cultural events celebrate the Antioquiana customs, but the highlight is the Desfile de Silleteros, where campesinos come down from the mountains carrying flowers.

Nightlife, called "Rumba", takes place in many locations, beginning in earnest on Thursday night, and running "hot and heavy" through Saturday night. Most of the national beauty queens and top fashion models in Colombia, come from Medellin.

Medellin is a beautiful city, modern and yet true to its regional characteristics. It was founded in 1616, but remained small until the coffee boom. It later became the center of a textile industry, and today is a modern, vibrant city. The paisas (people from Medellin) are very friendly and hospitable and helpful.

The mountains that surround the entire city make it look a bit mysterious, but they look incredibly nice at night when they are filled with lights. The Botero's sculptures leave a homey impression and the parks with fountains and the plazas in front of churches make the city even more cozy. Medellin is the only Colombian city with a subway system.

Medellin Singles Tour Medellin at night Medellin at night

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