Revolutionizing Women's Empowerment in Russia

A photo of a woman wearing a white long sleeved shirt.
Russian women are known for their exemplary contributions for gender equality. | Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

Women have been underrepresented in society in several countries in recent years. They have faced racism and discrimination as a result of differences in cultures, religious views, and socio-political pressures.

Despite the fact that some countries, such as Russia and other former Soviet nations, have more women than men, gender inequality remains a global problem.

Women’s liberation in Russia is still a work in progress.

Russian women were considered to be superior to their European counterparts in the eighteenth century. There were many wins in the struggle for democracy, legal rights, and women’s equality. These victories occurred between 1850 and 1917, during the period of feminist reform.

Despite these victories in recent years, the battle against racism and gender and cultural issues have become intertwined. As a result, women’s educational and career barriers, lower income brackets, and relatively low participation in decision making are relevant and visible in the cultural sectors.

From the 1990s to the present time, the ideology of feminism in Russia has focused on equal opportunities for men and women in obtaining employment, reducing domestic violence cases, political participation, and democratic elections.

The protection of gender equality in the country is stated in Article 19 of the Russian Constitution. As a result, women in Russia are entitled to paid maternity and parental leave, and unpaid parental leave can be extended for up to three years.

Then again, despite the influence and impact of women’s empowerment in Russia, what is it like to be a woman in Russia?

Women's Prevalent Concerns in the Modern World

Russia is well-known for its history of mistreatment and denial of fundamental freedoms. Out-of-line decisions and police brutality are often in the news, but sexual fairness is a less-publicized problem, and in any case, an unavoidable and harmful fundamental question.

The following are five facts about women’s equality in Russia:

1. Feminism Movement

Many women campaign and march against the decriminalization of domestic violence. Leaders Leda Garina and Zalina Marshenkulov have changed people’s perceptions of feminism. Moreover, amid threats and arrests from professionals and governments, organizations are steadfast in spreading the message of gender equality throughout the world.

Furthermore, technological advancements allow people to send messages through social media platforms. Because of these movements, Russians are gradually becoming conscious of and changing their attitudes toward feminism.

Cafe Simona in Saint Petersburg, in particular, is one of the latest places where women can feel safe from sexual harassment and other physical threats. Non-governmental groups and other organizations have worked together to spread the word about the current state of women’s rights in Russia.

2. Poverty Rate

Women are discouraged from joining certain occupations, such as politics, due to a lack of work prospects caused by legal barriers. Despite the fact that Russia is one of the highest-income nations, women earn 30% less than men.

Female educators earn 20% more than their male counterparts on average in the academic sector. To some extent, women often provide insignificant unpaid services — and approximately 40-50% of Russia’s annual budget has been lost as a result of gender segregation in the region.

Poverty affects not only Russian women, but it also has a negative effect on their children. They do not have enough financial support to send their children to college, which would have an effect on their children’s economic status in the future.

As a result of gender inequality, the country’s structure perpetuates the cycle of poverty, causing mothers and other women to suffer.

3. Physical Safety

Domestic violence is one of the most pressing concerns about women’s rights in Russia, particularly because the majority of victims are women, not men.

Unfortunately, in January 2017, Russia excluded domestic abuse from the list of criminal offenses. Because of the lower number of lawsuits, it is now possible to decriminalize it. Furthermore, if a Russian lady does not have broken bones or a concussion, her husband cannot be charged with domestic abuse.

Domestic violence calls are often routinely ignored by police officers. When they fail to prosecute the perpetrator criminally, they tell the victim to secretly prosecute their partner.

Domestic abuse decriminalization affects women’s physical protection under Russian law and culture. As a result, their overall rights are increasingly jeopardized. And it is at this point why harassment occurs.

A photo of a mother taking care of her children.
Despite having more women than men, gender equality remains one of their social issues.| Photo by Elly Fairytale on Pexels

4. Gender Role Stereotypes

A fine housewife.

This is a popular statement among men when asked what qualities they want in a woman, according to a Levada Center survey.

The majority of younger Russian ladies said that their best attribute is their beauty. When they reach the age of 30, however, they can’t agree more that being a good homemaker for their partners is their most desirable quality.

Another poll was administered to respondents who answered similar questions about desirable qualities in an individual, and both men and women rated intelligence as an important trait in men. Men classified women’s intellect as sixth or seventh.

Unfortunately, women rated freedom last, implying that they can survive without husbands. As a result, gender inequality cannot be blamed exclusively on men.

Older women responded similarly to men, demonstrating that no gender is to blame for the ongoing nature of gender equality issues. This is a product of Russian culture and society that will be passed on to future generations.

5. Theoretical Equality

The Russian Constitution guarantees equal rights to men and women. Women in Russia were given privileges in the country many years ago, including the right to vote in 1917.

Nonetheless, despite these rights, women continue to face inequalities in a variety of fields, including the professional one. In terms of gender norms, due to the country’s low fertility rate, people expect women to prioritize motherhood.

The Russian government does not permit women to work in physically demanding jobs because they endanger women’s protection and reproductive health. However, in 2019, the government reduced the number of positions that were previously forbidden for women. It has been reduced from 456 to 100, which will go into effect in 2021.

Women's Involvement Has Made Significant Progress

Highlighting women’s empowerment in Russia is particularly important given the public danger of demographic breakdown. Taking care of it will help you solve other relevant social problems, such as occupational imbalance, pay disparities based on sexual identity, and additional political rights.

Russian women are achieving great success and gaining worldwide recognition in a variety of fields such as literature, science, aviation, arts, and sports.

The country’s battle for women’s liberation would progress toward amicability in both social and family status.

A photo of a group of women protesting for their rights.
Most Russian women suffer from sexual harassment caused by domestic violence. | Photo by PatricioHurtado on Pixabay

Men send important women in their lives a number of flowers as a gift for the double celebration of Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, and this just goes to show that the battle against gender inequality doesn’t just involve rallies and protests.

There is always a special day set aside for women to be recognized for their contributions to themselves, their communities, and their country.

As a result, it is beneficial to understand the past, transformation, and advancement of women’s empowerment in Russia.