The Hierarchy of Needs for Russian Women

The culture, attitudes, mindsets, habits, lifestyles, and political views of any given human civilization at any point in time almost always echo the ways of the past.

The same can be said about nearly all aspects of humanity. Every existing construct or complex idea is a reiteration of a previous thing, adapted and modified into modernity by the generation that inherited it.

In particular, women in Russia (much like most women of any culture) have directly inherited the deeply-ingrained cultural quirks that their society has bestowed upon them throughout the generations.

These women descend from a nation of resilience - one whose blood stains continue to seep out of old wounds and into the very fabric of their modern society; one whose circumstances gave rise to a variation of the conventional gender roles in Russia in an attempt to survive on a planet plunging into the chaos of a worldwide conflict.

Russia’s battle against the Axis powers on the Eastern front of the Second World War eventually reinforced the identity of the nation itself as a whole, and in turn, brought about immense societal change and radical, nation-wide patriotism.

A brunette Russian woman in black standing in a snowy white forest.
A strong and independent charm is a defining characteristic of Russian women. | Photo by Henry Ravenscroft on Unsplash

The people of Russia (especially their women) have their country’s bumpy past to thank for their resilience and strong willpower - something that they embody to this day; which is a highly fascinating testament to the durability of a strong nation and its ability to collectively adapt and overcome obstacles.

The historical journey that a society takes throughout the generations is what directly dictates the basic needs and desires of the sexes, especially in terms of their characteristics, customs, and gender norms, as well as a range of social functions including physical labor, reproductive health, cultural expectations, and more.

This means that the political, ethical, and industrial path that a civilization takes throughout the course of its history is what solidifies the foundational infrastructure by which the nation’s men and women base their hierarchy of needs and wants on.

The interests of those who have lived through the past (as well as the priorities of subsequent generations that paved the way for the current hierarchy of necessities to form) can be profoundly driven by variables such as conflict, economic change, ecological issues, and circumstance.

For quite a long time now, the definitive motivation and personality of Russian culture have been widely recognized and praised. The nation and its people are proud to embody this resilience.

Colorful buildings in Moscow decorate the horizon.
St. Basil’s Cathedral is an icon of Russian culture. | Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

In retrospect, this blog intends to explain the basic hierarchy of needs for Russian females, including but not limited to the context of courtship, relationships, and life in general.

But there’s something that you should know before we start talking about that:

If we want to get a better look at the Russian female’s hierarchy of needs, we’ll have to look into things such as their cultural upbringing and the collective way in which the world perceives these women.

How the World Perceives the Russian Female

Here, we have a cultural representative of a prideful culture that persevered through a generation of fighting – one who embodies the physical and mental hardness of the female gender, taking on responsibilities and duties well beyond the expectations of women in other societies.

This is the emblematic phenomenon of the powerful and autonomous Russian woman; a liberating symbol of independence and freedom.

This assertive individuality tremendously contributes to the overwhelming mysticism and attractiveness of the Russian female - an appeal unlike any other, which fascinates the emotions and sexual desires of men and women all over the world; online and otherwise.

Russian women have a strong relevance on social networks and dating sites that mostly attract Caucasian demographics of all ages pursuing long or short term online flings.

Many of us have likely thought to ourselves at one point: “Why are Russian women so beautiful?”

It is no wonder that, to most of us, Russian girls, with their able physicality and independent disposition, are so beautiful in their own way.

This is why Björk was seen in the late 1980s to be extremely desirable (and critically acclaimed as well).

Her image was a key turning point for many teenage boys who journeyed from childhood to adolescence and allowed many younger folks in the experimental stage of self-discovery to understand their primary sexual desires.

Many individuals that were born in the early 1970s (and went through puberty in the late 1980s and early 1990s) still remember Björk quite affectionately as one of the most talented and adorable examples of female European excellence at the time. She was also one of the most desirable European figures in the history of pop culture, as well as an extremely talented singer.

Despite the fact that she was Icelandic and not Russian, she transcended time and history with her beautiful, artistic aesthetic.

In Western perception, her prowess strengthened a clear beauty standard for Nordic, Slavic, and Germanic girls, as she was a defining representative in this standard of attractiveness and talent.

An artist’s depiction of Björk Guðmundsdóttir
Björk Guðmundsdóttir’s image and music widely influenced Slavic, Germanic, and Russian motivation and personality. | Photo by Annalise Batista on Pixabay

Anybody who would like to date a Russian woman must be in a position to thoroughly understand the extent of her needs and wishes - a dynamic but basic cohesion between cultural necessities and desires.

Some cultures around the world continue to maintain recurring themes of women’s interests similar to that of other cultures because they share biological similarities in their own essence - which are the simple, primary needs that an average individual human fulfills, without any compulsory incentive to do otherwise (including the basic biological and evolutionary functions of the human female).

In Russia, however, this can vary to a certain degree.

Now, let’s get a clearer look at their hierarchy of needs.

(Note: This doesn’t necessarily apply to all Russian girls, but you get the gist. It’s loosely modeled after Maslow’s version.)

A Russian Woman’s Hierarchy of Needs

These encompass basic human needs: shelter, warmth, and sustenance.

What distinguishes Russian girls from everyone else is that so many of them become autonomous at a young age and can fend for themselves if necessary.

They don’t need a man to meet these simple requirements. If you are a man who’s dating a Russian woman, you’ll need to be a lot more capable than someone who can only provide just the basics.

A sense of protection and stability is essential for Russian girls in attaining their objectives; but, if not supported by a parent figure or a deserving individual, they will certainly accomplish this on their own. This means that, if you want to date one, you have to be able to improve your capability to provide this.

Even though Russian girls have a higher level of autonomy and resilience, love and sex continue to remain necessities for them.

When it comes to dating in Russia, males are usually quite chivalrous and gentlemanly, but sometimes, a Russian man can’t always meet a Russian girl’s expectations.

However, at times, a dating site can.

This emphasizes the fact that a Russian woman can go out and get whatever isn’t offered to her, so the worth of what you have to offer must outweigh whatever these ladies can do for themselves.

Traditional Russian girls choose their families above their careers. Housewives for generations have shown that family is everything to them.

Some believe that this mentality arose during the Soviet era, when maintaining a family meant sustaining the mother country. However, society has changed.

An artist’s depiction of two online lovers
It’s not a dating site without Russian women of course. | Photo by Annalise Batista on Pixabay

Everybody, irrespective of sex, age, or background, needs to feel welcomed. It’s a human trait.

Leading a peaceful housewife-esque lifestyle was the embodiment of a Russian female’s definition of respectable accomplishment in prior eras.

In today’s world, as social attitudes toward many things begin to evolve, many women in the country break away from the traditional bonds of gender-constrained positions in preference for a much more empowering and self-satisfying existence of their own choice, particularly because society no longer expects women to play the monotonous role of housewives, dishwashers, or babymakers.

Equality is the modern day gospel of a liberated society, and Russian women proudly embody this.

There really is something unique and wholesome about contemporary activism and feminism in Russia as a transformative medium for women to satisfy their latent need for equality and freedom of speech - something that Russian females have always had within them like a pre-optimized function just waiting to express itself. Fortunately enough, contemporary society tolerates and encourages this.

It’s a wonderful time to be a self-sufficient Russian woman in times like these, and there’s no doubt that many women across the globe couldn’t agree more.

In conclusion, that is what a Russian woman’s hierarchy of needs is all about.