Smooth-sailing Valentine’s Day in Saint Petersburg

 woman holding a heart-shaped box
Red-colored and heart-shaped are the gifts your Russian woman will appreciate.

“Ты бу́дешь мое́й Валенти́ной?” Do you know its English translation? If you do, good for you because you’re doing your homework. If you don’t, you better start learning a bit of Russian because that phrase translates to “Will you be my Valentine?”

The question is: How should you say it to your Russian woman? Is it when you meet her personally in Russia or simply by messaging her through an online dating platform or social media platform? Either way, expressing your love to her on Valentine’s Day is perceived as an extra-romantic gesture.

But hey, no pressure! However, if you haven’t celebrated V-day together and you think now is the right time to do so, book a flight to Russia. You can either tell her about your plans or let it stay as a surprise. Now, what you need to focus on is how you’ll be dating a Russian woman in her country on Valentine’s Day with your girlfriend.

How do Russians spend Valentine's Day?

Valentine’s Day is relatively new to Russia and Ukraine. However, it remains to be one of the most popular romantic holidays celebrated in the country. The most common thing people do during V-day is give gifts. Anything heart-shaped, be it a piece of jewelry, chocolate, cake, flowers (or bouquet), balloons, etc. is highly appreciated. In addition, anything red is also popular.

Aside from gift-giving, other Valentine’s Day trends such as dining at fancy restaurants and going to the movies are also popular, too! Lastly, the most important thing people do to their loved ones on February 14th is show and express their love and affection. Here are some things you can do for a smooth-sailing Valentine’s Day in Saint Petersburg:

Make it not only memorable but also meaningful.

 man kissing a woman’s hand
Russian women only want your love and undivided attention

Valentine’s Day: the day when you flood your social media profile with heart-warming dedication posts to the people you love, when you carry a huge stuffed toy to be delivered straight to your lover’s doorsteps, or when you bring your sweetheart to the beach and hold hands while strolling… or not.

It’s easy to get distracted by all the glitter and glamor when you’re in Saint Petersburg, forgetting your intention and the real reason why you’re celebrating Valentine’s day with your Russian lady.

Nothing screams romance like watching a classic Russian love-story movie, a heart-shaped box full of chocolates, or a synthetic stuffed animal, right? Oh, so wrong. You can do better!

For instance, if it’s your first Valentine’s Day together, you might want to consider treating your significant other to something a little less common and a little more intimate like dinner at MEAL, a sophisticated restaurant in Saint Petersburg, serving some of the finest and most innovative dishes in the country. While the Mariinsky Theater is considered a reference point when it comes to world-class performing arts, MEAL is one of the best when it comes to food excellence and quality, as well as exemplary customer service. Now, that’s what you call a total package.

Kick-off your gastronomic journey with an appetizing beef tartare, followed by mains which can be duck confit, cod, or steak. End your dining experience with either a cheesecake or pumpkin pie that will leave you wanting for more. The explosion of flavors, unique presentation, and the innovation of MEAL’s food is already an experience. Not to mention, chefs and servers will try their best to give you a small detail about the food you’re eating.

At the end of the day, you’re not only eating sumptuous dishes that look like art but also interacting with the people in the restaurant, giving you a glimpse of their culture. It’s pretty special, knowing the kind of food you eat and how they conceptualize it from the beginning, isn’t it?

It’s the thought that counts!

You’ve definitely played your cards right if you’ve successfully booked a winner of a dinner at MEAL with your Russian girlfriend. Now what? You’ll sit across the table with her and gaze into her eyes. Things couldn’t be more perfect as planned…or could they?

Get rid of any awkward silence while waiting for the starters to be served at the table by personally handing her the flowers you’ve bought from Dos Flores and say something sweet and romantic. Now, you can start with any conversation, you’re welcome!

Surprises aside, you might not have bought or prepared a bouquet of flowers for her due to time constraints. However, Valentine’s Day in Russia needn’t be a luxurious affair. It’s the thought that counts, so be thoughtful. You can instead give her a hand-written note or a letter. Perhaps, give her a heart-shaped basket full of her favorite beauty products or accessories. Now that you get the picture, explore the endless possibilities. Besides, you can still prepare for February 14th so ponder and think deep.

You both deserve a quiet and romantic time together.

 view of the river and a city
Spending Valentine’s Day in Russia is all about the experience.

After a hearty and heartfelt dinner, don’t walk her home just yet. Instead, invite her out to grab some drinks. Head to HI-SO at SO/St. Petersburg or at Sky Bar at Azimut Hotel for an enticing panoramic view of the city at night. Both bars do a lot of heavy lifting just in case your conversations start to run thin in the wee hours of the morning.

Go home to a classy accommodation.

With all the time spent during the course of Valentine’s Day, both of you deserve a good sleep. If you’ve chosen the Sky Bar, why not book a room for two there so you won’t have to travel anymore. When you wake up, think about breakfast in bed with a panoramic city view without ever leaving the room.

In the event that you’ve failed to organize everything…

Russian women are understanding and considerate. They also know that the best presents you can give to them are your presence, love, and attention. Hence, she will completely understand if you haven’t prepared everything in time for Valentine’s Day. Just go spontaneous or follow the advice listed above and see if it will still work without preparation. Sounds exciting!

Valentine’s Day is coming and celebrating it with your soon-to-be Russian wife is extraordinary. Live in the moment and enjoy the celebration together in St. Petersburg, even if only for a day.